SLR클럽 주제갤러리
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sunday, July 05, 2009
잘 알지도 못하면서 - 낯선 그녀가 불러온 청량함, 현명함 : 기사 : 씨네21
“왜 이런 영화를 만드세요. 왜 사람들이 이해도 못하는 영화를 계속 만드시는 거예요?” 구경남은 당황하지만 열정적으로 설명한다. “제 능력과 기질은 하나뿐이 없습니다. 정말로 몰라서 들어가야 하고 그 과정이 발견하는 과정이어야 합니다. 과정이 나로 하여금 계속 뭔가 발견하게 하고 그 결과물을 하나의 덩어리로 만드는 겁니다. 모르는 것을 모른다고 하는 것, 구체적인 것을 매번 만날 뿐 체계적으로 미리 갖지 않는 것, 매번 발견하는 것, 단지 감상하는 것, 지금 이 순간에.” 이 말을 듣고 여학생이 조소를 보낸다. “영화감독이 아니라 철학자시네요.”
[전영객잔] 낯선 그녀가 불러온 청량함, 현명함 : 씨네21
[전영객잔] 낯선 그녀가 불러온 청량함, 현명함 : 씨네21
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
나윤선 “늘 노래 불렀지만 이렇게 될 줄은 상상도 못해” : 음악·공
그러나 재즈가 그 문제를 해결해줬다. 재즈는 ‘만남’이었고, 만남이 답을 준 것이다. 여러 재즈 콩쿠르에서 상을 탄 그에게 유명 뮤지션들은 함께 연주하자며 먼저 다가왔다. 그 덕분에 다섯장의 음반을 낼 수 있었고, 그 음반들이 알려지면서 자연스럽게 나윤선이란 뮤지션은 자기 자리를 얻었다.
나윤선 “늘 노래 불렀지만 이렇게 될 줄은 상상도 못해” : 음악·공
나윤선 “늘 노래 불렀지만 이렇게 될 줄은 상상도 못해” : 음악·공
Friday, June 05, 2009
Ellen Pompeo and Patrick Demsey : Meredith Grey and Derek Sheppard
Thursday, June 04, 2009
다크나이트와 노무현 : 영웅으로 죽든지 악당으로 살든지, 혹은
많은 사람들이 인간 노무현의 퇴장을 두고 <다크 나이트>를 떠올린다. 그 중에서도 “영웅으로 죽든지, 악당으로 살아남든지”라는 대사를 유독 기억해낸다. 어떤 사람은 영웅에 노무현 대통령을 악당에 다른 누군가를 대입하고 있을 것이다. 또 어떤 사람은 문제의 대사를 다른 방식으로 이해하며 지금의 상황 위에 겹쳐 두고 있을 것이다. <다크 나이트>는 현실 정치나 ‘대중’이라는 실체 없는 권력의 작동 방식을 엿볼 수 있는, 영리하고 폭 넓은 텍스트다. <다크 나이트>가 펼치는 담론으로 노무현 대통령의 서거를 바라보는 일은, 그래서 흥미롭고 의미 있는 작업이 될 수 있다.
이 중에서 노무현 대통령은 단순히 비교될만한 어느 쪽도 아니다. 그렇다면 그는 누구였을까. 그는 오히려, 폭탄 스위치를 배 밖으로 던져버리고 조용히 운명을 받아들이며 인간으로 남길 선택한 영화 속 범죄자를 닮아있다. 죄가 있고 없고의 차원을 논하고자 함이 아니다. 중요한 건 영화 속 범죄자가 부끄러움을 아는 자였다는 데 있다. 그의 부끄러움은 인간을 인간이 아니게 만드는 인간 본성 앞에서 작동됐다. 그는 자신의 양심뿐만 아니라 남의 양심, 나아가 인간으로서 누릴 수 있는 최소한의 존엄성을 지키고 건사해내기 위해, 다소 감상적일지라도 자기 목숨을 잃을 수밖에 없는 희생의 길을 자처한다.
먼 기억이 아니다. 노무현 대통령은 재임 당시 인기 좋은 지도자가 아니었다. 그에게 모욕을 주는 일은 일종의 국민 스포츠에 가까웠다. 그의 역할을 둘러싼 모두의 기대치가 달랐다. 어른스러움이라는 세상의 원칙에 위배되는 듯 보이는 화법과 행동, 정책결정과정에서 번번이 되풀이되는 승부사 기질, 그 끝의 결과들이 숱한 기대치들과 결부되어 극심한 호불호를 이끌어냈다.
그러나 역할에 회의했을망정 그의 선의나 됨됨이, 동기에 대해서는 어느 정도 긍정하거나 낙관하는 쪽이 대다수였다. 그런 면에서 볼 때 지금의 애도 물결은 평가치의 역전이 아니라 연장이라 할만하다. 기대치에 닿지 못한 역할에 대해 삿대질했던 꼭 그만큼의 연민이 거리에 분향소에 가득하다. 그 사람은 배트맨이나 조커마냥 당위를 지켜내기보다 인간으로서 주변 세계에 가져야 할 최소한의 부끄러움을 위해 자멸했다. 드문 선택이다. 그 인간다움이, 어쩌면 노무현을 영원히 살게 할 것이다. 상징화된 영웅으로.
출처:다크나이트와 노무현 ozzyz review 허지웅의 블로그 : 다크나이트와 노무현#4154517_1
이 중에서 노무현 대통령은 단순히 비교될만한 어느 쪽도 아니다. 그렇다면 그는 누구였을까. 그는 오히려, 폭탄 스위치를 배 밖으로 던져버리고 조용히 운명을 받아들이며 인간으로 남길 선택한 영화 속 범죄자를 닮아있다. 죄가 있고 없고의 차원을 논하고자 함이 아니다. 중요한 건 영화 속 범죄자가 부끄러움을 아는 자였다는 데 있다. 그의 부끄러움은 인간을 인간이 아니게 만드는 인간 본성 앞에서 작동됐다. 그는 자신의 양심뿐만 아니라 남의 양심, 나아가 인간으로서 누릴 수 있는 최소한의 존엄성을 지키고 건사해내기 위해, 다소 감상적일지라도 자기 목숨을 잃을 수밖에 없는 희생의 길을 자처한다.
먼 기억이 아니다. 노무현 대통령은 재임 당시 인기 좋은 지도자가 아니었다. 그에게 모욕을 주는 일은 일종의 국민 스포츠에 가까웠다. 그의 역할을 둘러싼 모두의 기대치가 달랐다. 어른스러움이라는 세상의 원칙에 위배되는 듯 보이는 화법과 행동, 정책결정과정에서 번번이 되풀이되는 승부사 기질, 그 끝의 결과들이 숱한 기대치들과 결부되어 극심한 호불호를 이끌어냈다.
그러나 역할에 회의했을망정 그의 선의나 됨됨이, 동기에 대해서는 어느 정도 긍정하거나 낙관하는 쪽이 대다수였다. 그런 면에서 볼 때 지금의 애도 물결은 평가치의 역전이 아니라 연장이라 할만하다. 기대치에 닿지 못한 역할에 대해 삿대질했던 꼭 그만큼의 연민이 거리에 분향소에 가득하다. 그 사람은 배트맨이나 조커마냥 당위를 지켜내기보다 인간으로서 주변 세계에 가져야 할 최소한의 부끄러움을 위해 자멸했다. 드문 선택이다. 그 인간다움이, 어쩌면 노무현을 영원히 살게 할 것이다. 상징화된 영웅으로.
출처:다크나이트와 노무현 ozzyz review 허지웅의 블로그 : 다크나이트와 노무현#4154517_1
Saturday, May 30, 2009
축제가 된 추모, 그 우울한 반복 [프레시안]
인간이 인간으로서 느끼는 슬픔을 조금은 털어내고 이제는 다른 얘기를 할 때이고, 냉철히 현상을 짚어볼 때이다. 갑자기 이 행렬들은 추모 속에서 왜 자신들이 한때 증오했던 '노무현'을 다시금 불러들이고 있는가? 왜 이들은 스스럼없이 노무현을 그가 생전에 그토록 기피했던 황제로 영웅으로 재탄생시키고자 하는가? 이 과정에서 그의 죽음은 역사성을 상실한 채 일상 속 넘쳐흐르는 냉소와 분노를 승화시키기 위한 희생양이 되고 있는 건 아닐까? 노무현이라는 유령은 이승을 떠나지 못한 채 그렇게 배회하고 있다. 작년 촛불시위에서 대중들을 시민이자 국민으로 호명했던 것이 다름 아닌 미국산 쇠고기였던 것을 상기해보자. 그렇게 본다면, 미국산 쇠고기 대신에 '노무현'이라는 상징으로 촛불이 되돌아오는 현상 역시 강박적으로 반복되는 무언가를 보여주는 셈이다.읽기-Read
Saturday, March 21, 2009
FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Do not let the ‘cure’ destroy capitalism
The US stimulus bill falls into the same category. This package is partly based on the belief that government spending is required to stimulate the economy because private spending would be insufficient. The focus on government solutions is particularly disappointing given its poor record in dealing with crises in the US and many other countries, such as the aftermath of hurricane Katrina and failure effectively to prosecute the war in Iraq.
FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Do not let the ‘cure’ destroy capitalism
FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Do not let the ‘cure’ destroy capitalism
Ties to GOP Trumped Know-How Among Staff Sent to Rebuild Iraq - washingtonpost.com
After the fall of Saddam Hussein's government in April 2003, the opportunity to participate in the U.S.-led effort to reconstruct Iraq attracted all manner of Americans -- restless professionals, Arabic-speaking academics, development specialists and war-zone adventurers. But before they could go to Baghdad, they had to get past Jim O'Beirne's office in the Pentagon.
Many of those chosen by O'Beirne's office to work for the Coalition Provisional Authority, which ran Iraq's government from April 2003 to June 2004, lacked vital skills and experience. A 24-year-old who had never worked in finance -- but had applied for a White House job -- was sent to reopen Baghdad's stock exchange. The daughter of a prominent neoconservative commentator and a recent graduate from an evangelical university for home-schooled children were tapped to manage Iraq's $13 billion budget, even though they didn't have a background in accounting.
Ties to GOP Trumped Know-How Among Staff Sent to Rebuild Iraq - washingtonpost.com
Many of those chosen by O'Beirne's office to work for the Coalition Provisional Authority, which ran Iraq's government from April 2003 to June 2004, lacked vital skills and experience. A 24-year-old who had never worked in finance -- but had applied for a White House job -- was sent to reopen Baghdad's stock exchange. The daughter of a prominent neoconservative commentator and a recent graduate from an evangelical university for home-schooled children were tapped to manage Iraq's $13 billion budget, even though they didn't have a background in accounting.
Ties to GOP Trumped Know-How Among Staff Sent to Rebuild Iraq - washingtonpost.com
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Korea: The American Presence: how long can the U.S. stay? | 6/12/2000
If next week's summit truly eases tensions on the korean peninsula, South Koreans may soon ask whether 37,000 American troops have any reason to stick around. Some are asking that question already. For 45 years, the United States Air Force has practiced bombing raids at the massive Koon-ni range 80 km southwest of Seoul. Signs are posted with messages like danger. explosive aircraft bombing. do not proceed. The events are carefully scheduled with local residents, and the bombs are just dummies.
JUNE 12, 2000 VOL. 156 NO. 23
The American Presence
How long can the U.S. stay?
If next week's summit truly eases tensions on the korean peninsula, South Koreans may soon ask whether 37,000 American troops have any reason to stick around. Some are asking that question already. For 45 years, the United States Air Force has practiced bombing raids at the massive Koon-ni range 80 km southwest of Seoul. Signs are posted with messages like danger. explosive aircraft bombing. do not proceed. The events are carefully scheduled with local residents, and the bombs are just dummies.
On the morning of May 11, however, that tidy order broke down. An American A-10 fighter plane experienced engine trouble and had to reduce its load. It jettisoned six 230-kg bombs--live ones, not dummies--in the waters off Maehyang-ri. Shin Hyun Kuk, a farmer, was sleeping on a couch. The explosions threw him to the floor. When he rushed to a window, he saw a cloud of black dust over Nong Island, one of the target sites. The sea had turned burgundy from churned-up sediment.
None of the residents of Maehyang-ri was harmed, but the episode nonetheless helped rekindle South Koreans' tetchy feelings toward their U.S. protectors, which have flared often in the years since the Korean War ended. There have been other recent sparks. An American soldier charged with the murder of a Korean nightclub hostess in February temporarily escaped from U.S. custody in April. Last October, the Associated Press unearthed a scandal from the early days of the Korean War, in which the U.S. allegedly ordered the bombing and machine-gun killing of hundreds of Korean civilians in a tunnel in Nogun-ri.
These days, umbrage at Americans is mounting. Civil-rights groups are demanding a revision of the agreement between Seoul and Washington that dictates how U.S. forces are policed on Korean soil, and residents around Koon-ni have protested at America's embassy and its military headquarters in Seoul, demanding compensation, an apology, the shutdown of Koon-ni and, at one point, the withdrawal of all American troops from the country. In May, militant students managed to scale the wall of the embassy. Since then, extra South Korean police have been assigned around the building.
TIMEasia.com | Korea: The American Presence | 6/12/2000
JUNE 12, 2000 VOL. 156 NO. 23
The American Presence
How long can the U.S. stay?
If next week's summit truly eases tensions on the korean peninsula, South Koreans may soon ask whether 37,000 American troops have any reason to stick around. Some are asking that question already. For 45 years, the United States Air Force has practiced bombing raids at the massive Koon-ni range 80 km southwest of Seoul. Signs are posted with messages like danger. explosive aircraft bombing. do not proceed. The events are carefully scheduled with local residents, and the bombs are just dummies.
On the morning of May 11, however, that tidy order broke down. An American A-10 fighter plane experienced engine trouble and had to reduce its load. It jettisoned six 230-kg bombs--live ones, not dummies--in the waters off Maehyang-ri. Shin Hyun Kuk, a farmer, was sleeping on a couch. The explosions threw him to the floor. When he rushed to a window, he saw a cloud of black dust over Nong Island, one of the target sites. The sea had turned burgundy from churned-up sediment.
None of the residents of Maehyang-ri was harmed, but the episode nonetheless helped rekindle South Koreans' tetchy feelings toward their U.S. protectors, which have flared often in the years since the Korean War ended. There have been other recent sparks. An American soldier charged with the murder of a Korean nightclub hostess in February temporarily escaped from U.S. custody in April. Last October, the Associated Press unearthed a scandal from the early days of the Korean War, in which the U.S. allegedly ordered the bombing and machine-gun killing of hundreds of Korean civilians in a tunnel in Nogun-ri.
These days, umbrage at Americans is mounting. Civil-rights groups are demanding a revision of the agreement between Seoul and Washington that dictates how U.S. forces are policed on Korean soil, and residents around Koon-ni have protested at America's embassy and its military headquarters in Seoul, demanding compensation, an apology, the shutdown of Koon-ni and, at one point, the withdrawal of all American troops from the country. In May, militant students managed to scale the wall of the embassy. Since then, extra South Korean police have been assigned around the building.
TIMEasia.com | Korea: The American Presence | 6/12/2000
Sunday, February 01, 2009
용산의 생떼와 죽음
ozzyz review 허지웅의 블로그에서 가져옮
언제부터였는지 모른다. 용산 구청 앞에 현수막이 걸렸다. 누추하게 흔들리는 현수막에는 다음과 같은 문장이 쓰여 있었다. “세입자가 아무리 떼를 써도 구청은 도와 줄 방법이 없습니다.” 시간이 조금 흘러 현수막은 누추함을 쇄신하고 구청 앞에 어울리는 설치물로 거듭났다. 큼지막하게 인쇄된 문장은 조금 더 강렬하고 노골적인 의미를 담았다. “구청에 와서 생떼거리를 쓰는 사람은 민주시민 대우를 받지 못하오니 제발 자제하여 주시기 바랍니다.” 공적 의사를 담았되 사적 분노를 노출하는, 유독 붉은 색으로 인쇄된 ‘생떼거리’라는 단어에, 오가는 사람들은 웃기도 놀라기도 하며 문득문득 멈추어 시간을 보냈다. 그렇게 사회 안전망 밖으로 밀려나 구청이 고용한 용역들에 수년을 휘둘려오던 사람들은, 기어이 생의 경계 밖으로까지 밀려나 쓰러지고 그을렸다. 공무에 몸담은 사람들이 생존권의 요구에 맞서 내놓았던 공적 언어를 빌리자면, 이건 그러니까 생떼를 썼다는 이유에서였다. 모르겠다. 오랜 시간 위태롭게 예정됐던 죽음 앞에 문자란 전력을 다하여도 대개 초라하고 무책임하다. 지금 당장은 더 이상 아무 말도 못하겠다.

ozzyz review 허지웅의 블로그 : 용산의 생떼와 죽음
언제부터였는지 모른다. 용산 구청 앞에 현수막이 걸렸다. 누추하게 흔들리는 현수막에는 다음과 같은 문장이 쓰여 있었다. “세입자가 아무리 떼를 써도 구청은 도와 줄 방법이 없습니다.” 시간이 조금 흘러 현수막은 누추함을 쇄신하고 구청 앞에 어울리는 설치물로 거듭났다. 큼지막하게 인쇄된 문장은 조금 더 강렬하고 노골적인 의미를 담았다. “구청에 와서 생떼거리를 쓰는 사람은 민주시민 대우를 받지 못하오니 제발 자제하여 주시기 바랍니다.” 공적 의사를 담았되 사적 분노를 노출하는, 유독 붉은 색으로 인쇄된 ‘생떼거리’라는 단어에, 오가는 사람들은 웃기도 놀라기도 하며 문득문득 멈추어 시간을 보냈다. 그렇게 사회 안전망 밖으로 밀려나 구청이 고용한 용역들에 수년을 휘둘려오던 사람들은, 기어이 생의 경계 밖으로까지 밀려나 쓰러지고 그을렸다. 공무에 몸담은 사람들이 생존권의 요구에 맞서 내놓았던 공적 언어를 빌리자면, 이건 그러니까 생떼를 썼다는 이유에서였다. 모르겠다. 오랜 시간 위태롭게 예정됐던 죽음 앞에 문자란 전력을 다하여도 대개 초라하고 무책임하다. 지금 당장은 더 이상 아무 말도 못하겠다.
ozzyz review 허지웅의 블로그 : 용산의 생떼와 죽음
fischia il vento _ 바람이 휘몰아친다
허지웅 블로그 ozzyz reviews에서 받아옴
마르코 벨로키오의 <굿모닝, 나잇> 중 공원의 사람들이 어울려 ‘바람이 휘몰아친다’를 부르는 대목. 극장에서 볼 때도 이 부분에서 엉엉 울었다. 벨로키오의 카메라는 서로 잘 알지 못하는 사람들이 한 데 어울려 합창하는, 민중의 입으로 부르는 민중의 노래, 그것의 섬세한 박력을 고스란히 영상으로 옮겨내고 있다. 가사와 가사 사이 무언가 채워 넣을 것이 많아 보임에도 단지 노래를 부를 뿐인 노인들의 깊은 주름은 보는 이를 온전히 압도한다.
fischia il vento _ 바람이 휘몰아친다
바람이 휘몰아치고 눈보라가 울부짖는다 / 신발을 찢어졌지만 가야한다 / 혁명의 봄을 쟁취하러/ 도래하는 태양이 떠오르는 곳 / 혁명의 봄을 쟁취하러 / 도래하는 태양이 떠오르는 / 모든 마을은 반역자의 고향 / 모든 여인은 그에게 탄식하고 / 한밤중에 별들은 그를 인도한다 / 강한 마음과 팔로 내지르며 / 그리고 잔혹한 죽음이 덮친다면 / 거친 보복이 빨치산에게 오리라 / 이제는 확연하다 고통스런 운명 / 비열한 파시스트 폭군에게 / 바람이 자고 눈보라가 멎으면 / 용맹한 빨치산은 집으로 돌아간다 / 붉은 깃발을 흔들며 / 승리하리라, 알프스의 자유인인 우리들!
마르코 벨로키오의 <굿모닝, 나잇> 중 공원의 사람들이 어울려 ‘바람이 휘몰아친다’를 부르는 대목. 극장에서 볼 때도 이 부분에서 엉엉 울었다. 벨로키오의 카메라는 서로 잘 알지 못하는 사람들이 한 데 어울려 합창하는, 민중의 입으로 부르는 민중의 노래, 그것의 섬세한 박력을 고스란히 영상으로 옮겨내고 있다. 가사와 가사 사이 무언가 채워 넣을 것이 많아 보임에도 단지 노래를 부를 뿐인 노인들의 깊은 주름은 보는 이를 온전히 압도한다.
fischia il vento _ 바람이 휘몰아친다
바람이 휘몰아치고 눈보라가 울부짖는다 / 신발을 찢어졌지만 가야한다 / 혁명의 봄을 쟁취하러/ 도래하는 태양이 떠오르는 곳 / 혁명의 봄을 쟁취하러 / 도래하는 태양이 떠오르는 / 모든 마을은 반역자의 고향 / 모든 여인은 그에게 탄식하고 / 한밤중에 별들은 그를 인도한다 / 강한 마음과 팔로 내지르며 / 그리고 잔혹한 죽음이 덮친다면 / 거친 보복이 빨치산에게 오리라 / 이제는 확연하다 고통스런 운명 / 비열한 파시스트 폭군에게 / 바람이 자고 눈보라가 멎으면 / 용맹한 빨치산은 집으로 돌아간다 / 붉은 깃발을 흔들며 / 승리하리라, 알프스의 자유인인 우리들!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
John Updike, a Lyrical Writer of the Middle-Class Man, Dies at 76 - Obituary (Obit) - NYTimes.com
Of Mr. Updike’s many novels and stories, perhaps none captured the imagination of the book-reading public more than his precisely observed tales about ordinary citizens in small-town and urban settings.
His best-known protagonist, Harry Rabbit Angstrom, first appears as a former high-school basketball star trapped in a loveless marriage and a sales job he hates. Through the four novels whose titles bear his nickname — “Rabbit, Run,” “Rabbit Redux,” “Rabbit Is Rich” and “Rabbit at Rest” — the author traces the funny, restless and questing life of this middle-American against the background of the last half-century’s major events.
“My subject is the American Protestant small-town middle class,” Mr. Updike told Jane Howard in a 1966 interview for Life magazine. “I like middles,” he continued. “It is in middles that extremes clash, where ambiguity restlessly rules.”
From his earliest short stories, he found his subject in the everyday dramas of marriage, sex and divorce, setting them most often in the fictional town of Olinger, Pa., which he described as “a square mile of middle-class homes physically distinguished by a bend in the central avenue that compels some side streets to deviate from the grid.” He wrote about America with boundless curiosity and wit in prose so careful and attentive that it burnished the ordinary with a painterly gleam.
Read the full article @ NYTimes.com
His best-known protagonist, Harry Rabbit Angstrom, first appears as a former high-school basketball star trapped in a loveless marriage and a sales job he hates. Through the four novels whose titles bear his nickname — “Rabbit, Run,” “Rabbit Redux,” “Rabbit Is Rich” and “Rabbit at Rest” — the author traces the funny, restless and questing life of this middle-American against the background of the last half-century’s major events.
“My subject is the American Protestant small-town middle class,” Mr. Updike told Jane Howard in a 1966 interview for Life magazine. “I like middles,” he continued. “It is in middles that extremes clash, where ambiguity restlessly rules.”
From his earliest short stories, he found his subject in the everyday dramas of marriage, sex and divorce, setting them most often in the fictional town of Olinger, Pa., which he described as “a square mile of middle-class homes physically distinguished by a bend in the central avenue that compels some side streets to deviate from the grid.” He wrote about America with boundless curiosity and wit in prose so careful and attentive that it burnished the ordinary with a painterly gleam.
Read the full article @ NYTimes.com
Monday, January 26, 2009
Music Man - Goodnight, My Someone lyrics
Goodnight, my someone,
Goodnight, my love,
Sleep tight, my someone,
Sleep tight, my love,
Our star is shining it's brightest light
For goodnight, my love, for goodnight.
Sweet dreams be yours, dear,
If dreams there be
Sweet dreams to carry you close to me.
I wish they may and I wish they might
Now goodnight, my someone, goodnight
True love can be whispered from heart to heart
When lovers are parted they say
But I must depend on a wish and a star
As long as my heart doesn't know who you are.
Sweet dreams be yours dear,
If dreams there be
Sweet dreams to carry you close to me.
I wish they may and I wish they might
Now goodnight, my someone, goodnight.
Lyrics | Music Man lyrics - Goodnight, My Someone lyrics
Monday, January 12, 2009
Italian Pensions Sapped by Private Funds Bush Backed
Italy did for retirement financing what President George W. Bush couldn’t do in the U.S.: It privatized part of its social security system. The timing couldn’t have been worse.
The global market meltdown has created losses for those who agreed to shift their contributions from a government severance payment plan to private funds meant to yield higher returns. Anger is rising both at the state, which promoted the change, and money managers such as UniCredit SpA and Arca Previdenza, which stood to profit.
Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s administration is now considering ways to compensate as many as 1.2 million people who made the switch, giving up a fixed return for private plans linked to financial markets. It’s also letting people delay redemptions on retirement funds to avoid losses after Italy’s benchmark stock index fell 50 percent in 2008, destroying 300 billion euros ($423 billion) in wealth.
“The reform didn’t help anyone,” said Gabriele Fava, who heads the Fava & Associati law firm in Milan and writes about labor law. “Not the government, which was hoping everyone would make the switch to take the strain off its coffers, nor the workers who have not resolved the problem of needing a supplement to their social security pensions.”
Read @ Bloomberg.com
The global market meltdown has created losses for those who agreed to shift their contributions from a government severance payment plan to private funds meant to yield higher returns. Anger is rising both at the state, which promoted the change, and money managers such as UniCredit SpA and Arca Previdenza, which stood to profit.
Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s administration is now considering ways to compensate as many as 1.2 million people who made the switch, giving up a fixed return for private plans linked to financial markets. It’s also letting people delay redemptions on retirement funds to avoid losses after Italy’s benchmark stock index fell 50 percent in 2008, destroying 300 billion euros ($423 billion) in wealth.
“The reform didn’t help anyone,” said Gabriele Fava, who heads the Fava & Associati law firm in Milan and writes about labor law. “Not the government, which was hoping everyone would make the switch to take the strain off its coffers, nor the workers who have not resolved the problem of needing a supplement to their social security pensions.”
Read @ Bloomberg.com
Transcript: Is Feminism Dead? Ginia Bellafante, author of TIME's cover story, and Phyllis Chesler, author of Letters to A Young Feminist, 6/25/98
Timehost: Welcome everyone. Many of you may have read or seen this week's TIME magazine cover story. It's about feminism, and its author, Ginia Bellafante, makes the argument that feminism has "gone Hollywood." We're going to be talking about feminism, where it is now, and where it's going, and to do that, we're now joined by Ginia Bellafante and feminist author Phyllis Chesler, author of the groundbreaking study "Women and Madness", and more recently, "Letters to a Young Feminist." Welcome to you both.
Sckanaday asks: What is the big threat Ally McBeal poses to old school feminists? I'm amazed at the backlash against a young, well-educated woman with choices who opts to live by her own agenda, not someone else's! Isn't that part of what feminism has stood for?
Ginia Bellafante: I think feminism worked long and hard to erase stereotypes of women as neurotic incompetents unconcerned with matters of public life. Ally McBeal, in my humble opinion, is helping undue [undo] that work.
Phyllis Chesler: I agree with her. And I would say that if Monica Lewinsky goes to law school and continues to behave in the same fashion, she will turn into Ally McBeal -- obsessed with men and sex and love and short skirts, and not with children being beaten to death in their own homes and not with women losing child support. These are not Ally McBeal's fantasy concerns. So I agree with Bellafante on this.
Read the full Transcript: Is Feminism Dead
Sckanaday asks: What is the big threat Ally McBeal poses to old school feminists? I'm amazed at the backlash against a young, well-educated woman with choices who opts to live by her own agenda, not someone else's! Isn't that part of what feminism has stood for?
Ginia Bellafante: I think feminism worked long and hard to erase stereotypes of women as neurotic incompetents unconcerned with matters of public life. Ally McBeal, in my humble opinion, is helping undue [undo] that work.
Phyllis Chesler: I agree with her. And I would say that if Monica Lewinsky goes to law school and continues to behave in the same fashion, she will turn into Ally McBeal -- obsessed with men and sex and love and short skirts, and not with children being beaten to death in their own homes and not with women losing child support. These are not Ally McBeal's fantasy concerns. So I agree with Bellafante on this.
Read the full Transcript: Is Feminism Dead
Is Feminism Dead: It's All About Me! TIME coverstory: June 29, 1998
Ally McBeal and Bridget Jones are the product of what could be called the Camille Paglia syndrome. In her landmark 1990 book, Sexual Personae, author Paglia used intellect to analyze art, history and literature from classical times to the 19th century and argue that it is men who are the weaker sex because they have remained eternally powerless over their desire for the female body. It is female sexuality, she said, that is humanity's greatest force. Her tome helped catapult feminism beyond an ideology of victimhood.
In the heated atmosphere of early-'90s gender politics, in which Anita Hill accused Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment before an audience of millions, Paglia quickly began turning up all over the media voicing her controversial opinions on the sex wars. Feminism wasted time trying to persuade us that men are tameable, she proclaimed. Relish sexual power, she told women, but don't go to frat parties expecting men to be saints. The argument was powerful and full of merit, but deployed by lesser minds it quickly devolved into an excuse for media-hungry would-be feminists to share their adventures in the mall or in bed. So let us survey the full post-Paglia landscape.
It's not surprising that Old Guard feminists, surveying their legacy, are dismayed by what they see. "All the sex stuff is stupid," said Betty Friedan. "The real problems have to do with women's lives and how you put together work and family." Says Susan Brownmiller, author of Against Our Will, which pioneered the idea that rape is a crime of power: "These are not movement people. I don't know whom they're speaking for. They seem to be making individual bids for stardom." It's easy to dismiss the voices of Old Guard feminists as the typical complaints of leaders nostalgic for their days at center stage. But is Ally McBeal really progress? Maybe if she lost her job and wound up a single mom, we could begin a movement again.
Read the full article @ TIME
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In the heated atmosphere of early-'90s gender politics, in which Anita Hill accused Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment before an audience of millions, Paglia quickly began turning up all over the media voicing her controversial opinions on the sex wars. Feminism wasted time trying to persuade us that men are tameable, she proclaimed. Relish sexual power, she told women, but don't go to frat parties expecting men to be saints. The argument was powerful and full of merit, but deployed by lesser minds it quickly devolved into an excuse for media-hungry would-be feminists to share their adventures in the mall or in bed. So let us survey the full post-Paglia landscape.
It's not surprising that Old Guard feminists, surveying their legacy, are dismayed by what they see. "All the sex stuff is stupid," said Betty Friedan. "The real problems have to do with women's lives and how you put together work and family." Says Susan Brownmiller, author of Against Our Will, which pioneered the idea that rape is a crime of power: "These are not movement people. I don't know whom they're speaking for. They seem to be making individual bids for stardom." It's easy to dismiss the voices of Old Guard feminists as the typical complaints of leaders nostalgic for their days at center stage. But is Ally McBeal really progress? Maybe if she lost her job and wound up a single mom, we could begin a movement again.
Read the full article @ TIME
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